Wednesday 15 August 2012


Alhamdulillah and Tq Ya Allah, is all I can say.  Aku tak pasti sama ada ramai yang tahu pasal “Law of Attraction” ni..I first came across about this Law of Attraction” concept when I watched Oprah Winfrey menemuramah Rhonda Byrne, penulis buku “The Secret”. Masa ni aku duduk kat Papua New Guinea. Aku terus jatuh cinta pandang pertama on this “Law of Attraction” concept. If you are into the law of attraction and looking for a quick and easy read book,


 I would recommend buku by Jack Canfield yang bertajuk “THE KEY TO LIVING THE LAW OF ATTRACTION: THE SECRET TO CREATING THE LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS”. This is REALLY your book. Pada pendapat aku, buku, buku ni holds everything you need to know dan you need to get started NOW. Envision the future you desire. Create the life of your dreams (page 4) Aku suka cara Jack Canfield menerangkan betapa pentingnya kita semua “FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE”. Focus only on what it is that you do want!. Instead of thinking “I don’t want to be late,” think ‘I want to be on time”, Say positive words like "I am brave", "I am energetic", "I am caring", "I am happy" dan lain-lain lagi. "LIKE ATTRACT LIKE". You are what you think you are. Buku Jack Canfiled ni will help us to find our life purpose, because “when you are living your life “on purpose” you will find greater fulfillment and joy in all that you do” (page 49).

Sebelum aku dapat mencari life purpose aku, aku devotekan masa aku untuk jawab beberapa soalan Jack Canfiled. Soalan soalan yang perlu aku jawab adalah seperti berikut:
1. Start by making list of all the times you can remember in your life that have made you feel the most truly alive and joyful.
2. What are my natural gifts?
3. What are my skills and talents?
4. What do I love to do?
5. When do I feel most alive?
6. What am I passionate about?
7. What brings me the greatest joy in my life?
 8. When do I feel the best about myself?
9. What are my personal strengths and characteristics?
10. What have others always said that I am really good at?
 11. How do I most enjoy interacting with other people?
 12. What would I change in the world if I could?

Ha..Ni dia soalan2 yg dah aku jawab..


 Lepas aku dah jawab sume sume soalan tu, Alhamdulillah dan bersyukur kepada Allah kerana menemukan aku dengan my life purpose. Masa tu aku tulis “To inspire other people to live their best life”, “To inculcate healthy food and supplement into my family and other people and lastly “To inspire women especially about life in palm oil mill”..

 Melalui buku ini juga aku telah start create 101 goals or dreams that represent what I want to be, do, have, and achieve in all areas in my life. Alhamdulillah bit by bit most of my goals have came through and is coming through. Tq Allah…Antara goals2 aku yang dah tercapai are to write in magazine (article aku dah publish dlm personal money magazine, mingguan wanita n majalah nur), to plant fruit and veges at home (Alhamdulillah aku dah tanam beberapa jenis sayur2an kat belakang umah aku), to write in newspaper (harian metro publish citer cikgu 20 sen aku), to give talk to parent (aku dah bnyk bagi ceramah pd warga kilang di setiap kilang sawit suami kau terajui), to be frozen food dealer to help mak mertua (skg aku delaer frozen food kecil2an kat Bintulu ni), to have business cards (tak sangka aku dah buat business card SHAKLEE!), to eat organic food (alhamdulillah aku dipertemukan dengan Mentin Si Ratu Ulam dan Jacinta jiran organikku), to have own website (Alhamdulillah aku buat BLOG! Syukur sgt2), to own my own house (tak sangka suami bagi kejutan belikan rumah untuk aku di Bintulu ni), to be like Jack Canfiled (rasanya aku sedang menghala ke arah itu) dan panjang lagi goals aku yang dah tercapai, sedang mencapai dan belum tercapai..

JUST WRITE YOUR DREAMS and BELIEVE IN IT! Create positive and goal affirmations to read daily because “your subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between a real experience and a vividly imagined experience” (page 117). Aku selalu cakap “Iam grateful for my perfect health’, “I am happy watching my children laugh and love each other”, “I am happily step into my dream house”, “I am thrilled to see cheque coming in for my SHAKLEE business” and other positive affirmations. Seperti yang diajar Jack Canfield, kita perlu create our own "VISION BOARD". Carilah gambar2 yang kita tangkap, gambar dari majalah, gambar dari internet untuk attract apa yang kita nak dalam hidup kita. So, contoh kalau sesiapa ada dream nak kete brand apa, so tampal gambar kete tu kat vision board dan BAYANGKAN SETIAP HARI SEOLAH OLAH ANDA SEDANG MENAIKI KETE TERSEBUT. Ini yang Jack Canfield kata the power of "VISUALISATION". "Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourelf as succeeding. Hold this picture tenaciously. Never permit it to fade.You mind will seek to develop the picture." (page 122)

.Macam Jack Canfield dalam filem "The Secret", dia kata dia tulis USD100,000 kat duit kertas dan dia tampal kat atas katil dia. So setiap hari, dia akan tengok dan visualise seolah-olah dia dah dapat duit tu..Aku rasa itu yang Irfan Khairy buat. Dia tulis cheque pada diri dia sendiri sebanyak rm1 juta and alhamdulillah he is now a millionaire. The most important thing to remember is “being truly grateful for what is already present in your life will automatically and effortlessly attract more good into your life” (page 137). I am experiencing it right now…”

What I encourage you to do is TAKE A MOMENT and think of what truly makes you happy, gives you that passion that if you could you would do it every day, and ask yourself what is holding me back? If you dream it, you can do it! Tq Allah for everything…

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